Year of painting: 1896. Dimensions of the painting: 64 x 74 cm. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: still life. Style: post-impressionism. Gallery: National Gallery, London, UK.
Guerina Pierre – “Sappho on the Levkada rock”
Year of painting: 1810. Dimensions of the painting: 114 x 188 cm. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: portrait. Style: neoclassicism. Gallery: Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Degas – “Dance class”
Year of painting: 1872. Painting dimensions: no data. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: genre painting. Style: impressionism. Gallery: Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France.
Paul Gauguin – “Never Again”
Year of painting: 1897. Dimensions of the painting: 60.5 x 116 cm. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: nude. Style: post-impressionism. Gallery: Courtauld Institute of Art, London, UK.
Kahlo Frida – “Two Frida”
Year of painting: 1939. Dimensions of the painting: 173.5 x 173 cm. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: self-portrait. Style: primitivism. Gallery: Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City, Mexico.
Bouguereau William – “Psyche and Cupid”
Year of painting: 1889. Dimensions of the painting: 116 x 200 cm. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: mythological painting. Style: realism. Gallery: Hobart Art Gallery, Tasmania.
Bouguereau William – “Nymphs and Satyr”
Year of painting: 1873. Dimensions of the painting: 179.8 x 260 cm. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: mythological painting. Style: neoclassicism. Gallery: Sterling Art Institute and Francine Clarke, Williamstown, USA.
Gauguin Paul – “Landscape with Poplars”
Year of painting: 1875. Dimensions of the painting: 81 x 99.6 cm. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: landscape. Style: impressionism. Gallery: Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, USA
Boucher Francois – “Madame de Pompadour”
Year of painting: 1756. Dimensions of the painting: 212 x 164 cm. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: portrait. Rococo. Gallery: no data.
Degas Edgar – “Interior. Violence”
Year of painting: 1869. The size of the painting: 81 x 116 cm. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: interior, genre painting. Style: impressionism. Gallery: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA.