
Escher Maurits – “Relativity”

In his very famous work “Relativity”, Maurits Escher uses a special technique called tessellation. With its help, one graphic plane is divided into several parts. In the picture, the artist arranged the composition in three planes perpendicular to each other.

Such works by Escher continue to amaze the audience with the intricacies of shapes and planes, they are full of various visual paradoxes, sometimes invisible without a careful study of the image.

So it is with this work: at first glance, it seems that in the picture all forms are ideally combined with each other, but after looking closely, there are points of contact, in which a contradiction is noticeable. This world, created by the artist, contradicts all the laws of physics and gravity.

Many critics noted that the work of Maurits Escher is rather difficult for the average viewer to understand, but despite this, complex geometric shapes in the artist’s works have become very popular and remain in demand in our time.

Year of painting: 1953.

The dimensions of the painting: 27.7 × 29.2 cm.

Material: no data.

Writing technique: lithography.

Genre: capriccio.

Style: surrealism.

Gallery: no data.

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